Weekly Survival: A very particular exercise!

Find out which team is the best in this format.

Maxime Gony
2 min readFeb 26, 2021

We’ve talked a lot about Weekly Survival during the last days, and especially about the nature of these series, where the only thing you want is a top 1.

It implies much more passive behaviors from teams, with the hope to have an opportunity to close up one game, and being allowed not only to play Weekly Finals, but also the guarantee to have 16 games to play in the next survival series.

We’ve seen a lot of tweets about how much of a relief it was for teams able to make it through, and we can easily understand the amount of pressure you can face as the number of games left to play reduces and the amount of focus and discipline you need to succeed.

Some teams managed to find the right formula, while some teams are trying to be consistent. For other teams, Weekly Finals are still a myth, and they’re left with Bottom 16, with the only hope to improve their odds for the following week.

The ranking is pretty simple, teams are first sorted out according to the amount of time they qualified, then I’m looking at how much games they needed to do so.

I understand there could be a bias due to the RNG involved to qualify. However, after three weeks, we can confidently assume that teams can go beyond and make the most out of this format thanks to their decision making (Zenith’s 22 kills qualification being the best example).


Team Liquid, well-known for giving a lot of importance to positioning, including in traditional series, found a lot of success so far in Weekly Survival matches with only 9 matches to achieve 3 qualifications and is without surprise the best team so far at PGI.S in this format.

2nd and 3rd best teams, Shoot To Kill and Gen.G are tied with 17 matches to achieve 3 qualifications as well.

At the bottom of the ranking, DWG KIA continues to decline since the rank decision, and will face a third bottom 16 in a row.

Finally, with 4AM and IFTY failures, this week could be the opportunity to prize money standings tighten a bit right before the most important weeks of the tournament.

Maxime “Znooper” GONY



Maxime Gony
Maxime Gony

Written by Maxime Gony

Providing useful resources and content for competitive PUBG #PUBG #Coach/#Analyst — Contact: gonymaxime@gmail.com

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